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Why should I attend workshops and pole camps? - Gain motivation and inspiration for your pole journey.

Writer's picture: Diana NeubauerDiana Neubauer

My first workshop experience was in 2016 at our Pole Studio with Pole Mimi. Within just one hour, I was able to gather so many new impressions, combinations, and moves.

Today, 7 years later, I've attended two Pole Camps and have taken workshops and classes from trainers like Mareen Leykauf, Roxi Ziemann, Daria Che, Pole Mimi, Lea Roth, Simon K., Bendy Gio, Caiteeeme (Kathi), Tatjana van Onna, Olga Baidyuk, Iris Flirtious, and many more, as well as visited countless Pole Dance studios around the world. And you know what?

It was always worth the journey and the money!

Besides meeting the amazing and incredibly lovely trainers, I always gained so much. Every studio and every trainer teaches completely differently and with different focuses. One trainer may emphasize flow, another strength building, and yet another on execution. Even the same move appears as a completely new version with two different trainers, simply because the focus shifts. It incredibly helps to open up different perspectives, recognize new aspects of training, and increase one's training diversity. In addition to learning new moves, combinations, spins, warm-up, and cool-down exercises, you also get to know new Pole brands, coatings, types of studios, environmental influences (like hot temperatures in Mallorca or Malta), and Pole Dancers.

Connections are made that may last for decades and provide inspiration. Just recently, after five years, I returned to a studio in Malta and was surprised when the studio owner recognized me and warmly embraced me! You can watch how acquaintances develop over the years and which paths they take. And who knows, maybe after watching the next video of your acquaintance, you suddenly become interested in trying Exotic or doing more spinning? Or perhaps their flexibility progress motivates you to finally stretch more?

That leads to the next point. Motivation. We all know it. Sometimes motivation is higher, sometimes lower. And sometimes we fall into a slump from which it's hard to recover. Visiting other studios, Pole Camps, and workshops have often given me back the motivation that I couldn't find anymore, and also simply shown me new paths. I always came back extremely motivated and happy with countless things I wanted to train. Or I've seen these talented trainers and thought, I want to achieve that too. I need to train more to reach that!

So why should you attend workshops and the like? For YOU. For your motivation, your Pole Journey, and your inspiration.

Perhaps we'll see each other at the next workshop!

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